
Industry News & Updates from Legit Click Media

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How Blogging Can Improve Your Personal Brand

According to Sprout Social, “Personal branding is the process of defining and promoting what you stand for as an individual.” This includes the “experiences, skills, and values that differentiate you.” Whether you are a content creator, industry thought leader, or

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Maintain, Monitor & Track Website Performance

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free web service that allows you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your website’s performance in Google’s search results. It is estimated that more than 3 billion searches are performed by Google in a single day. And

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2020 Marketing Goal, Plan, Action

2020 Digital Marketing Musts

It’s a new year. In fact, it’s a whole new decade and a great time to evaluate your strategic marketing plan. The experts have been weighing in their 2020 predictions for the last year and now that it’s here, it’s

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Content Marketing

Why Content Will Always Be King

“Content is King” is more than just a well-known marketing buzzword. There really is no better way to attract, inspire, engage and retain customers than with content. The right content marketing strategy will help you connect with your customers, create

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