How Blogging Can Improve Your Personal Brand

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According to Sprout Social, “Personal branding is the process of defining and promoting what you stand for as an individual.” This includes the “experiences, skills, and values that differentiate you.” Whether you are a content creator, industry thought leader, or simply looking for a new job, establishing a personal brand online can help you connect with your desired audience and open up exciting opportunities. 

There are several avenues you can use to develop your personal brand. Common ideas include curating an intentional social media presence or developing a portfolio of work. Another way to establish your personal brand and reach more of your target audience is through blogging. Here, we further explore the importance of creating a personal brand and how blogging can improve your personal brand. 

Why Is Creating a Personal Brand Important?

Creating a personal brand is important because it helps communicate your goals and aspirations to others. It is also a great way to highlight your experience and skills along the way. For instance, a marketing professional might use personal branding to show employers they are creative and strategic. Likewise, a content creator may use it to show followers that they are passionate about cooking, gardening, or fashion – essentially whatever their desired niche is.

5 Benefits of Blogging to Establish Your Personal Brand

Here are the top benefits of using blogging to establish your personal brand: 

1. Establishes Yourself as a Thought Leader

A blog is a great way to prove yourself as a subject matter expert. It is one thing to simply tell people that you’re knowledgeable in a certain subject and it is another to be able to write about that subject in great detail while offering insights. For instance, if a hairdresser is hoping to show they are environmentally focused, they might write a blog about natural hair care routines or the green practices they use in their salon. 

2. Demonstrates Your Skill Set

Blogging can help you demonstrate your skill set to future employers, clients, or collaborators. Along with writing about your skills, a well-written blog shows your audience that you are a good writer, editor, and communicator. It can also convey that you have strong research skills and an attention to detail. 

You can even use your blog to showcase your work, whether it be a client case study or an embedded video of your performance. For instance, a photographer might insert photos from a recent photoshoot into their blog post and add content to explain their photography capabilities. 

3. Helps You Connect With Your Target Audience

Your blog is the perfect way to provide content that will be of interest to your target audience. Think of topics other people might enjoy reading or will find helpful. Try to think of your audience’s perspective. What kind of topics will they be seeking to learn about? What kind of information will capture their interest?

4. Improves Your Search Engine Optimization

When writing your personal branding blog, including keywords is an essential part of users finding you through Google and other search engines. For instance, a copywriter looking for new clients might title their blog post, “5 Reasons Hiring a Copywriter is Beneficial for Small Businesses.” Then, in their post, they can include keywords that target a specific region, demographic, or industry.

5. Enables You to Establish Your Voice

The tone of your blog depends on how you wish to represent yourself to your target audience. If you are trying to gain clients, you might want to sound professional and polished. Alternatively, if you want to create an audience of followers, you might try to sound warm and approachable. Either way, a blog enables an audience to understand your voice and personality, essentially getting to know you on a deeper level. 

Need help kickstarting your personal brand blog? Get in touch with us here or call 920-214-4025 to learn more about our blogging and content writing services