Content Expansion: How to Bulk Up Your Website’s Content

Creating New Content for Website

We’ve all heard content is king. In fact it’s one of the most effective ways to establish and strengthen your brand. And because of recent events leading many businesses to quickly adapt to operate mostly or in some cases solely online, there’s never been a better time to establish your authority as an industry leader with online content.

Why is Content Important?

Whether it’s through blog posts or videos or even social media, the most well-known, sought-after brands are usually the ones sharing the most engaging, authoritative content. Content defines your brand. The right content can define your brand as an industry leader and authority who cares about its clients and is interested in helping and teaching them, not just trying to sell them something.

In addition to helping with your brand image, content can also help with SEO. Engaging content attracts clicks, pageviews, links, likes and Google, making it a great long-term SEO strategy for improving your website’s search visibility.

Review Your Existing Content

The first step to increasing page views is to take an honest stock of your current web content.

Take a good hard look at what’s on your site to see if it actually offers any value to visitors. If all you have are a few fluffy sales lines, it’s unlikely that your content is doing anything to encourage visitors to do business with you, share your content or talk to other people about you.

Take a Look at the Competition

Now look at what your competition and other sites that rank higher for products or services like yours have on their site. This will help you determine the different types of pages and topics you should consider including on your site. It will also give you a better understanding of the type of information your target audience is looking for and maybe the keywords they are using to find it.

But just copying what the competition is already doing won’t be enough to establish yourself as an authority and leader. You need to take it one step further. Find an untapped niche, a unique spin, or something new to distinguish yourself from the competition.

Bulk up Your Content

Now that you’ve identified what’s missing from your site, you can go back though it and beef it up. Determine what existing pages need more copy and what new content you need to create.

As a general guideline you want a minimum of 300 words per page. However, if the top-ranking competition has more than that, you’ll want to consider matching them in order to compete.

Additionally, each unique section, landing page or subject of your website should have at least five supporting pages. Again, this number can vary depending on how many supporting pages are typically of your competition.

Promote Your Content

Now that you’ve create your awesome new content, don’t forget to promote it. Simply uploading it to your website is rarely enough. Sure, it will help with your long-term SEO goals, but if you want to be seen you have to make sure your content is too. Blogging is a great way to promote your personal brand, but there are billions of blogs to compete with. Make sure you include social media, guest blogging, infographics and videos into your content promotion strategy to gain more exposure and reach.

Team Up with a Content Writer

Content writing isn’t for everyone. Not everyone likes writing, not everyone’s good at it. There’s no shame in seeking help from a content writer or a digital marketing company. We help businesses of all sizes create effective content that helps with search engine optimization, establishes their authority and generates more leads. Send us a message if you are interested in learning more about our content marketing services.