5 Best Practices for SEO Success in 2016

Proper search engine optimization (SEO) requires more than keyword stuffing and density. It involves more than link building and rewriting URLs. In fact, if you want to succeed at SEO in 2016, you need to step outside of the traditional SEO realm and consider additional aspects that can greatly affect your search rankings.

What You Need to Know to Achieve SEO Success

  1. Content reigns supreme: The phrase “content is king” has been around for some time, and it isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Quality content will continue to drive traffic. But what exactly is “quality”? In short, your content must be relevant, useful and in-depth. Longer articles, around 1,500 words, perform well.
  2. Local optimization increases in importance: According to one Google study, “50% of consumers who conducted a local search on their smartphone visited a store within a day.” This means that, if you are a local business, you need to take extra steps to optimize your online presence for your area. Get listed in local directories, ensure your NAP is consistent across all listings and optimize your website for local searches.
  3. Mobile marketing is a must: In 2015, Google made it clear that mobile-friendly websites will gain better footing on search engine result pages for mobile searches. This announcement came around the same time that Google announced that more than half of all searches in the U.S. were coming from mobile devices. So if your website is not yet mobile friendly, it is time to make a change.
  4. Social promotion is a necessity: The old adage, “if you build it, they will come,” does not work in the realm of content marketing. This means that, once you write relevant content, you must then go and share it. You must share it across multiple platforms and different times of the day. And you must interact with those who want to engage with on you that piece. Failure to be social often will correlate with failure to capture a new customer.
  5. User experience comes to the forefront: Your site ranking is directly tied to your user’s experience. If your users have a bad time when they come to your site, Google will know it (e.g., high bounce rates, slow load time, etc.). Focus on your user engagement and overarching experience. Eliminate those things that can irritate users, and take steps to add elements that will pull them in.

You’ve Worked Hard for Your Rankings. Don’t Lose Them!

Keep your good rankings in place by following the SEO-related tips laid out above. Doing so will ensure you stay ahead of any Google algorithm update and may even help you see improvements in your rankings. If you need help tackling one or all of the recommendations above, do not hesitate to contact our digital marketing agency. We are here to help you achieve success!


Sources: American Marketing Association, Six SEO Rules for 2016; Search Engine Land, Local SEO: How To Rank Your Local Business; Google, How Advertisers Can Extend Their Relevance With Search