Pinterest’s Functionality in Product Ad Campaigns Joins Google, Bing and Facebook 

Social media platform Pinterest has announced a new way to showcase your products by launching Catalogs. Using a Pinterest Catalog, brands can upload multiple product images and organize the products by category. Users can then turn the images into “dynamic product pins”.

With this update, Pinterest is also making Shopping Ads available via the Pinterest Ads Manager. Users can launch shopping campaigns using the unique self-serve interface, quickly and simply. This addition has brought Pinterest’s functionality up in the ranks, closer to Google, Bing and Facebook.

After generating product pins in bulk, Catalogs make it easy for advertisers to promote product groups using ads through Ads Manager. Pinterest is in the process of creating dedicated sections for products from these retailers, allowing users to view more from specific retailers at the click of a button.

According to Pinterest, “84% of Pinterest’s weekly users use the app before deciding what to buy next.” These new updates will make it easier for users to complete these purchases soon after browsing.

Sources: Marketing Land