Pinterest Acquires Jelly, the Q&A Search Platform

Since late 2016, Pinterest has made an effort to improve its search and discovery functionalities. Since then, it has released search features such as Pinterest Lens and Related Pins that work around the Web.

In its latest ploy to gain greater ground in the search realm, Pinterest picked up the Q&A-based search platform Jelly. Jelly is powered by subject matter experts—a user submits a query that is then delivered to individuals with particular expertise in that area.

There is speculation around the Web on why Pinterest would want Jelly. According to Jelly co-founder Biz Stone,

When we talked about Jelly joining forces with Pinterest, things got really interesting. Their mission was astonishingly similar to ours. Human powered search, a subjective search engine, and discovering things you didn’t know you need to know. These are all key to Jelly!

To learn more about this acquisition, read the press release on Jelly’s website or review Social Media Today’s article on the topic.