New Survey Predicts Four in Five Marketers will Abandon Personalization Projects by 2025

Personalization marketing is a strategy where companies deliver individualized content to consumers using data collection, analysis and automation technology. Recent advancements in these areas have enabled marketers to implement more effective real-time and extended customer experience personalization projects. But according to the latest communication from analyst firm Gartner, four out of five marketers will ‘abandon’ personalization efforts within the next five years.

Data was reported by the respondents of the survey as the primary obstacle with 27% of those polled claiming it, along with its various methods of analysis, collection, integration and protection, was the biggest hurtle. Technology was a close second.

Experts in the industry believe consumers are becoming increasingly skeptical toward personalization. Gartner recommends organizations provide proof of concept before investing in personalization campaigns, and reminds marketers to adopt the basics – strategic planning, case development and consent management – to test and learn before investing in personalization technology and new tactics. This is good advise to follow for any marketing strategy.

Others in the industry remain optimistic, noting there are limitations to personalization, but that it will still prove to be as powerful of an investment as anything else this year.

Source: MarketingTech