New Report Shows Growth in Smart Speaker & Smart Display Use in US 

Is your business prepared for voice search? If not, now is the time to get to work. According to two recent reports by and Edison Research, usage of smart speakers and smart displays is growing.

There are approximately 65 million smart speaker owners in the United States alone, with more than 130 million actual devices in use. states that the number of smart speakers per user grew from 1.8 in 2018 to 2 in 2019. The same was found by Edison Research, showing slow and steady growth.

Edison states that although smart speaker ownership has only reached 23% of the US population over the age of 12, awareness is much higher: around 223 million. Even though smart speaker growth is slow, smart displays are gaining traction with 9 million smart displays in the market.

According to experts in the field, the room for growth shown by both smart speakers and displays could cause significant changes with user interactions and these devices. This means that simple voice tasks such as “ask a question” could grow into more product or service-related tasks. Businesses will need to stay abreast of voice search changes to remain competitive.

Sources: Marketing Land