Facebook to Ban Pages That Use Cloaked Links

Since the 2016 U.S. elections, Facebook has been taking active steps to eliminate low-quality links, fake news and related spam. In its latest efforts to increase the value that it offers to its users, Facebook is now setting its sights in Page owners and advertisers.

The network is now focusing on links to websites that violate Facebook’s community standards or advertising policies. In the past, many advertisers and Page owners have used cloaking to get around Facebook’s review processes. Now, Facebook is implementing both human review processes and artificial intelligence to “identify, capture and verify cloaking,” says Facebook.

Facebook defines cloaking as follows:

Here, these bad actors disguise the true destination of an ad or post, or the real content of the destination page, in order to bypass Facebook’s review processes. For example, they will set up web pages so that when a Facebook reviewer clicks a link to check whether it’s consistent with our policies, they are taken to a different web page than when someone using the Facebook app clicks that same link.

To learn more, read Facebook’s announcement on its blog.