Facebook Adds Jobs Tab for Trial Run

Businesses on Facebook now have the opportunity to test out job applications through their business pages. From one company spokesman:

Based on behavior we’ve seen on Facebook, where many small businesses post about their job openings on their Page, we’re running a test for Page admins to create job postings and receive applications from candidates.

According to Tech Crunch, once a business page posts a job opening, any Facebook user can click on an “Apply Now” button. An application will appear, with many fields already filled out with information pulled from that user’s personal profile. When the user submits the application, the business will be notified via Facebook message.

Facebook’s foray into job recruiting is seen by many as a bid to take on LinkedIn. With the two seen as equally effective by B2B marketers, this may be Facebook’s attempt to gain increased business-related traffic. There is no word on how how widespread the test is or how long the test phase will be in place.