The Easy Formula for Writing PPC Ads That Convert

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No matter what platform you choose, the words you use in your ads are critical to the success of your campaigns. Ads are quick and you only have a few words to state your case before your reader moves on. How do you take advantage of the small real estate in the best way possible? Through writing compelling ad copy that converts.

Good Ad Copy Is Important to Your Campaigns

Good ad copy not only entices your reader to click but platforms such as Google demand it. For example, Google’s quality score depends on the relevance of both your keywords and PPC ads. This score determines your cost per click and directly impacts your ad rank.

Facebook uses a similar score called a relevancy score that determines how well an ad will be received by your audience. Ads that are destined to be received well will be delivered more frequently than the opposite. On these platforms, your ad copy must be viewed at more than face value. Your cost, how often your ads are viewed and your rank will be determined by your ad’s make-up.

The Easy Formula

Each example of good ad copy has a few elements in common. All of these elements make up an easy formula that helps you create ad copy that works.

The Keyword

By now, everyone knows the importance of keywords for any kind of copy that exists on the internet. However, your keyword and its placement are critical in ad copy. If you’ve done your research and have a focus keyword for your ad, that keyword should be placed close to the beginning of your ad. If a reader wants to judge your relevancy, this word or phrase will be what they look for first.

For example, a quick Google search of “running shoes” returned two top ads that list “running shoes” almost immediately in their descriptions. The other two lower ranked ads did not mention “running shoes” in their descriptions at all.

The Offer

No matter what business you’re in, you’ll have competition. In addition to your keywords, you need to make your offer clear in a short phrase. Your reader will want to understand what makes your offer better than the next. There are a few key things to remember when communicating your offer:

  • Be creative: Use your creativity to come up with a tagline that speaks to your audience on another level. Catch their eye from the start.
  • Stand out: Uniqueness goes a long way. Don’t write copy that your reader has seen a hundred times before. Even if your product or service already exists elsewhere, what makes your product or service different from the rest? Communicate that.
  • Appeal to emotion: Your product or service’s benefits are a great place to start but go the extra mile by appealing to your reader’s emotions. How will your offer improve their life? How will it make them feel?
  • Keep it short: Google now allows you to use two separate descriptions, 90 characters each. Descriptions are short, so keep your offer message simple and to the point.


A recent survey completed by AdEspresso by Hootsuite found in July of this year, 69.95% of brands are using calls to action in their ads, and that is only halfway through the year. CTA usage keeps increasing each year, underlining the importance of the CTA to remain competitive. A clear CTA should be used in every ad to give your reader a clear next step to take.

Your CTA should give clear direction while also speaking your brand’s message. Our Google search of “running shoes” shows ads with CTAs such as Zappo’s “try the new Runlimited guarantee”. It’s simple, direct and uses the brand’s message to catch the reader’s eye and deliver a promise.

Learn More About Creating Ad Copy That Works

There’s so much more to learn about creating ads that convert. How are your brand’s ads competing in the marketplace? To learn more, reach out to Legit Click Media today by calling 414-465-2285 or sending us a message online.