2017 Digital Marketing Report Released by DemandWave

DemandWave released this week its sixth annual State of Digital Marketing Report. This report specifically highlights B2B digital marketing issues and trends.

The following trends are worth paying attention to based on this survey of more than 200 B2B marketing managers and executives:

  • Email and SEO tie for biggest revenue driver.
  • Blogs and video tie for most popular content marketing tactic.
  • Lead quality beats lead quantity as top marketing objective.

Other notable findings include:

  • 37% of marketers dedicate 60% or more of their total marketing budgets to digital marketing.
  • Conversion rate is the preferred metric marketers use to evaluate digital marketing efforts.
  • White papers tend to drive more leads and revenue over any other content marketing tactic.
  • LinkedIn tops the charts as the best social media channel for generating leads and revenue.

To learn more, download the complete 2017 State of Digital Marketing Report.