How to Make Your Remote Business More Personable

Man using laptop to make a video call

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the way the world works has dramatically shifted. While remote work was an option prior to this major global pandemic, it has become a much more ubiquitous part of everyday working life. Not only are employees enjoying a remote working environment, around 16% of businesses operate on a fully remote basis.

While there are many benefits of this business structure, one obvious missing component is face-to-face interactions with staff and customers. That’s why it’s essential for fully, or even partially, remote businesses to implement strategies to be more personable, no matter where their team is located. Let’s explore different strategies your remote business can use to foster better connections with clients and staff, even from hundreds of miles away.

1. Create a Consistent Social Media Schedule

Posting on social media is a great way to foster relationships with your virtual audience. This gives them an inside peek into your business and what exciting initiatives are on the horizon. It is also a place where you can highlight your mission statement, values, and commitment to quality customer service. 

According to Hootsuite, businesses should aim to post to their social media channels three to five times per week so that they are regularly engaging with their audiences. When creating your social media schedule, incorporate more informative or light-hearted content with your promotional posts. People won’t continue to follow your company if you only push your product. You need to think of other creative ideas to post, whether it be about company culture or hopping on the latest business-friendly content trend. 

2. Develop a Blog

A blog can help you regularly engage with your audience, especially if you post on a consistent schedule people can count on. Along with driving more traffic to your website, a blog can improve your business credibility, give you a voice in your industry, and help people feel more connected to your brand. Write about topics your audience will care about and learn from. Then, you can cross post your blog on social media or an email campaign to get more people to read it. 

3. Host a Webinar

Whether you use a webinar to increase your bottom line or offer it for free as a lead generation strategy, it is also an excellent way to connect with your audience through a richer means of communication.

When hosting a webinar, make your focus clear by including an engaging webinar title that calls out your topic and intended audience. Let’s say you’re a graphic design company looking to sell a graphic design course to aspiring designers, your webinar might be titled A Beginner’s Guide to a Career in Graphic Design whereas if you wanted your webinar to be directed at your customers, you might host one called Key Insights into How a Graphic Designer Can Enhance Your User Experience. 

4. Offer Video Call Meetings

While a lot of business can be coordinated over Slack, email, project management systems, and phone calls, offering your team members and clients video call meetings can help them get a better sense of your personality and create a more personable experience. Many business leaders include a link to their video call calendar right in their email signature, making it simple for people to book a time to chat. 

When you’re on a video call, make an effort to turn on your camera and be present. Try to make it as close to an in-person meeting as possible by finding a quiet meeting space, looking presentable, and giving verbal and nonverbal cues that you are listening to the other people on the call. 

5. Showcase In-Person Staff Meetings 

Even if your company is fully remote, it might be a good idea to get your team together in person from time to time. Hosting a company retreat or team building activities can help your team members get to know each other better and enhance their online communication when it’s time to get back to working at home.

Posting about your in-person team meetings on social media or making an effort to do a group video call with clients with you all together can help showcase the professional relationships your team is growing with one another. It’s also a great way to show you value your team’s growth and ability to connect on a deeper level.

Remote work environments will continue to be a part of the way we work. If you are interested in getting a blog started for your fully remote business, give us a call at 920-214-4025 or reach out here.