When to Hire a Website Analytics Consultant

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Imagine you just launched your beautiful new website. You spent so much time coming up with the right design, copy, and user interface. Now all you have to do is keep up with updates and you’re all set, right? Not quite.

In order to know if your website is making its intended impact — whether it be converting sales, booking demos, or driving customer retention — you need to look at the data. By tracking website analytics, you can confirm whether an idea is working or whether you need to go back to the drawing board. But, who really has time for that? That’s where hiring a website analytics consultant comes in.

Let’s discuss what hiring this type of professional entails and how it can benefit your business. 

What Is a Website Analytics Consultant?

A website analytics consultant is a well-seasoned professional who can help you enhance and refine your online presence. This type of consultant specializes in data analysis, using various tools and software to collect essential data about your website in order to draw valuable insights. 

While the tools they use vary based on a website analytics consultant’s preferences and expertise, one common area of specialization is in Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a platform that creates reports from data it collects from your website. In order to use Google Analytics, you (or your website consultant) need to create an account through the platform and then add a small piece of JavaScript measurement code to your website pages. This code enables the platform to track user interactions. 

By adding this tool to your website, your consultant can go in and view the latest analytics, such as:

  • Number of users
  • Session statistics
  • Approximate geolocation
  • Browser and device information 

When Should You Hire a Website Analytics Consultant?

When you’re just getting started, website analytics can seem a bit complicated. You might decide to hire a website analytics consultant when you’re experiencing the following challenges:

When You Aren’t Seeing Results

When you launch your website, you can’t simply set it and forget it. Okay…you can, but then you’re not going to see meaningful results from your website. By hiring a website analytics consultant, you can leverage the data they collect to make major or minor tweaks to your website. 

This data can also give you a closer look into your purchase funnel. Your consultant can help you determine everything from when a user first visited your website to when they completed a transaction. 

When You Need to Test an Idea

Have an idea for a landing page? Or, maybe you are thinking of switching up the navigation on your homepage. In order to confirm the success of an idea and if you should pursue it further, data analytics can give you concrete answers instead of taking a shot in the dark. You can learn if these ideas are making an impact on your target audience and converting to sales or follow-up calls. Using the insights you receive, you can even inform future ideas you’d want to test out. 

When You Want to Understand Your Target Audience Better

Website analytics can help you pinpoint the core demographics of who is visiting your website, including:

  • Language
  • Interests
  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender 

Using these demographics, you can determine whether you lean into catering to your current audience or if you need to make some changes to connect with a different target audience you intend to reach. 

When You Don’t Have the Time

While programs like Google Analytics makes data analysis more streamlined than ever, it takes a certain level of expertise to really put your data to work. Learning data analytics coupled with actually doing the work can take up a lot of time, time you could be spending on other business operations. With a website analytics consultant, you can offboard this work to a knowledgeable professional who can hit the ground running.

Are you looking to bring your website to the next level with Google Analytics? We can help! Check out our GA4 capabilities here or give us a call at 920-214-4025.