Twitter Adds New Threads Feature

Twitter began rolling out its new threads feature to iOS, Android and users this week. The threads feature is an attempt to make it easier for users to post “tweetstorms,” which are a series of tweets connected to the same topic. Tweetstorms have been around for some time as a way for users to get around Twitter’s low character limit.

Twitter users can create and update threads in the following ways:

  • When creating a new tweet, all you need to do is click on the “plus” button in composer screen. This will allow you to write your full series of tweets at one time.
  • You can also add to or create a thread by going back to your own tweets and clicking the “Add another tweet” button.

Twitter will automatically pace your tweets, so all of your updates will not post at once. There is a limit currently of 25 tweets per thread, but Twitter has left it open as to whether they will expand on that limit at any time.

Source: TechCrunch