The Recipe to a High-Quality Landing Page

Man designing mobile landing page

When it comes to whipping up a high-quality landing page, you can compare the process to baking a cake. First you need the purpose or occasion for the landing page, then you need to mix the foundational ingredients together, and finally decorate your creation.

Let’s learn what a landing page is and dive into what ingredients make up a deliciously effective landing page.

What Is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a web page that stands on its own in order to achieve a specific purpose. This kind of web page typically is not a part of your website’s central navigation. Rather, users often come across your landing page by clicking on an advertisement, social media post, or a button within an email marketing campaign.

You can use your landing page to persuade users to take a specific action, such as downloading a PDF, signing up for a newsletter, or checking out a new product or service. Semrush has a great landing page template here that shows the basic elements your landing page should include. As you can see, it isn’t text heavy or overly complex, making it easy for the user to quickly scan and read.

Ingredients in a Successful Landing Page

When making your landing page, be sure to include these ingredients:

Engaging Copy

Think of copy as your landing page’s flour — it helps form the structure of the cake. Without solid copy, users aren’t going to know what the purpose of your landing page is. When writing your landing page copy, you need to be mindful of how much of it you use or the texture of the landing page will be off.

Start with an engaging headline at the top, something that is going to entice users to continue reading. Then, pull them in with a subheading that offers a unique value proposition that will get them wanting to learn more by clicking on your call-to-action (CTA) button. Finally, you might decide to add in some statistics or results of your offerings to show credibility.

Thoughtful Design and Layout

Your design and layout are your landing page’s eggs, they should bind your copy together. Without thoughtful design, your landing page will fall apart. The colors, images, and font you use should be eye catching but also legible. Along with your page being aesthetically pleasing, make sure it’s accessible. Is your font easy to read? Do your colors contrast enough?

Another thing to consider with your layout and design is if it naturally leads to your CTA button. You want it to stand out and be easy to find.

Clear Call to Action

Think of your CTA as your icing — it should stand out to users. Make the intended action of your landing page easy to understand. If you want your leads to call, you can literally say “Call Today!” or if you want them to download a PDF, say “Download Our Helpful Guide Here.” No need for ambiguous or artful language in your CTA.

Speedy Loading Times

If a recipe for a cake says it will take 10 hours, it’s likely that you will leave that recipe behind in search for a quicker one. The same goes for your landing page. If your loading time is longer than three seconds, users are likely to exit out of your page in search for something else. Some ways to improve your landing page’s loading times include:

  • Compress your images
  • Reduce coding elements
  • Use responsive design
  • Limit redirects

Standout Videos and Photos

The videos and/or photos you choose for your landing page are the sugar — they give your landing page its flavor. Choose visuals that are self explanatory and representative of your target audience. For example, if you are selling a new makeup applicator to Gen Z consumers, you might choose an image of a young woman applying her makeup in the mirror with that tool or you could have a short video that shows a step-by-step process on how to use said tool.

A landing page is just one element of your entire website. Get connected with Legit Click Media today to learn how we can strengthen your brand with a custom website. Call us at 920-214-4025 or fill out our contact form here to get started.