Online Retailer Survey Shows Increased Holiday Sales Preparations

BigCommerce, an ecommerce platform, published stats recently that showed an uptick in early holiday planning for many online retailers. In its holiday sales survey, BigCommerce reached out to more than 1,000 retailers, asking about previous years’ efforts, as well as preparations for the 2017 holiday season. Here are highlights:

  • Almost 37% of respondents began planning earlier this year
  • 40% of respondents expect to see more than 25% sales increase
  • Nearly 43% of all respondents do their planning August-October
  • 64% of respondents expect to make their sales on their brand websites
  • Facebook now trumps email as the primary channel used for holiday marketing (51.61% and 51.2%, respectively)
  • 67% of respondents plan to use price discounts and other promotions to increase sales.

BigCommerce’s full survey response and blog post also includes success stories from several brands, including this highlight from the manager and content creator for musician Lindsey Stirling:

We halfed the price and doubled the profit!

To view more statistics and success stories, read the full BigCommerce post.

H/t: Marketing Land