LinkedIn Announces New Integration With Google & Vimeo 

LinkedIn has announced a new integration with Google Campaign Manager that will enable marketers to compare and manage their LinkedIn ad performance in comparison to other ads in one dashboard. LinkedIn states,

“It not only allows you to see LinkedIn ad performance alongside the rest of your paid spend, but also get attribution for your LinkedIn ads across all impressions and interactions, measured in a cross-device and cross-platform manner.”

This change comes after Google released its Data Studio tool to its users, adding another integration to the toolset. Marketers will receive a more comprehensive overview of ad performance across all platforms. Enabling LinkedIn within the Campaign Manager is simple and you can learn how to implement LinkedIn on Google Campaign Manager here.

LinkedIn also announced a new integration with Vimeo. Vimeo users will now be able to share their videos on LinkedIn company pages easily. The integration makes it easy to distribute videos across multiple channels at once. All these new integrations and integrations to come are changing the way we monitor our campaigns, both PPC and social.

Source: Social Media Today