How to Create Fresh Social Media Content Fast

view from above a wooden table with people sitting around with notebooks and coffee cups pointing at different cartoon images of social media logos

Many businesses and brands are discovering just how much social media can do for their reach. In fact, there are now 3.196 billion people using social media, up 13% from last year alone. Eleven new people start using social media every second, which is about 1 million people every single day. With those stats, it’s easy to see the value of a social media presence.

A Social Media Presence Matters

Did you know that 88% of individuals age 18 to 29 use social media? And 90% of brands use social media to increase brand awareness. To market to the consumer generation of focus, a social media strategy should be a given.

But, although the value is evident, some brands find it difficult to generate content for their blog regularly, let alone the hefty amount of content that social media requires. If this is you, you should know that social media is worth it—and content can be generated simply.

5 Unique Ways to Create Fresh Social Media Content

There are many ways to generate content for your social media accounts, some of which take minimal effort on your part. To start, you should create a simple social media content calendar to help you sort the content you generate. Once you have a simple calendar created, you’re ready to get started.

1. Recycling is Good for the Environment—And Your Content

That blog post you just wrote for your website houses many pieces of bite-sized content for your social media strategy. You can reuse the content you already have to generate social media content quickly. Take quotes, tips, tricks and statements out of your blog post, lead magnet or other forms of content and recycle it into your social media.

2. Ask Questions

How does your audience feel about your newest product? What kind of content would your audience like to see? Ask your audience these questions to gain important customer insights and to fill up your content calendar. It’s a two-fold tip that takes care of a social media post and helps to generate ideas for the future.

3. Share Content From Others

Sharing content from others won’t steal your thunder. Instead, promotion of other relevant brands shows that you’re a part of the conversation and supportive. Share content from industry leaders, articles you find interesting, social media content your followers will enjoy or other nuggets. Remember to keep it relatable to your brand and your audience.

4. Plan to Go Live

Now, Instagram and Facebook allow you to go live at any time. In fact, Facebook generates 8 billion video views on average per day. Your consumers crave video and going live is easy to place into your content plan. Host a webinar or do a simple Q&A session with those that hop on. The opportunities are endless for quick videos that engage.

5. Share Your Business

A spring of social media content is all around you, even at your desk. Brands are using their business for social media content such as behind-the-scenes views and day-in-the-life posts all about what life looks like as a part of the brand. This type of content makes you relatable and authentic, building trust in your brand.

Reach Out to Legit Click Media to Learn More

Still having trouble generating social media content that fits your brand? You need a strategy and Legit Click Media can help! Reach out to us today by calling 414-465-2285 or send us a message online.25