Google Staff Clarifies Misunderstanding About Top Ranking Factors

Earlier this week, Google staff took to Twitter in response to chatter about the top three ranking factors for content in search results. In response to a query from a follower asking which top-ranking factors Google uses for all results. Through the conversation, Google’s Gary Illyes and John Mueller provided the following points of clarification:

  • The top three results are never the same.
  • Altogether, the top-ranking factors change depending on the query coming from the user.
  • Optimizing for ranking factors is a short-term approach to getting search traffic.
  • Links are not always a ranking factor, and in fact, many long-tail keyword queries have no links whatsoever.
  • The biggest goal is for Google to deliver relevant and awesome results.

This conversation started due to a misunderstanding of a presentation Gary Illyes gave recently at SMX (Search Marketing Expo) in Brighton. To learn more about SMX events, visit MarketingLand’s events website.

H/t to Search Engine Journal