Google Expands Its Territory in Search as Firefox’s Preferred Provider

Mozilla released its new browser this week: Firefox Quantum. With this release came a statement from Mozilla that it has decided to step away from its partnership with Yahoo! Instead, Firefox opted to rejoin efforts with Google as its preferred search provider.

Mozilla cited performance and user experience as its main goals with its new browser. These goals, say Mozilla, are in line with its overarching strategy it first announced in 2014. This strategy includes assigning default browsers by region versus unilaterally to all users. As a result, Google is the preferred provider for the U.S., China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and many other locations around the world. China will see Baidu as its default, and Yandex will be the default for Russia, Turkey, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

As the “browser for everyone, regardless of search preference,” Firefox will continue to remain open and accessible around the world. It boasts more than 60 built-in search providers in over 90 languages.

To learn more, visit the Mozilla blog.