Google AdWords Unveils Ads to Promote In-Store Products

According to Google, over 40% of product searches are still for broad-based topics like “women’s athletic clothing.” To attract the attention of these curious customers, Google AdWords introduced expansions to its Showcase Shopping ads. AdWords’ expansions are also meant to target local experiences, as well, in an effort to attract greater foot traffic to physical stores. These expansions are rolling out on Google and on the Google Assistant.

Google encourages brick-and-mortar retailers looking to take advantage of the Showcase Shopping ads to set up a local product inventory feed. In doing this, you allow your products to automatically being appearing in results both in Google search engine results pages (SERPs) and on the Assistant.

Several stores are already seeing results from the use of ads to drive in-store traffic. According to Google’s studies:

  • Local and omni-channel strategies drive an 80% higher rate of incremental store visits
  • Mobile ads drive 160% more incremental store visits
  • People who clicked on an ad before visiting a store are 25% more likely to buy and spend over 10% more

To learn more, read Google AdWords’ full blog post.