Facebook Releases Insight on User Behavior During Summer Months

Facebook recently released a research-based infographic that shows how users change their behaviors on both Facebook and Instagram during the summer months. One of the largest findings from this research is the fact that 92.5% of summer-related conversations occur via mobile devices. According to Facebook:

Summer is a season for people to connect with family and friends, stay active and feel good. And mobile has created opportunities to stay connected beyond the moments we share in person.

Facebook’s research also highlights key topics, timing and related information to help advertisers gain the most attention during summer months:

  • Tap into the biggest conversations by focusing on loved ones, recreational activities, and health and beauty topics.
  • Use hashtags, specifically those that are most popular.
  • Join the conversations on holidays by speaking about items that your audience cares about.
  • Focus your advertising based on platform—the topics that peak high on Facebook are not always the same that peak on Instagram.

View the infographic for full data if you plan to market to users via Facebook or Instagram this summer.