Facebook Offers News Feed Guidelines to Improve Experience

This week, Facebook sent Page publishers into complete panic after running a News Feed test. This test moved all Page posts to a separate feed. This led Facebook to publish guidelines that help publishers better understand and use their Pages to reach their audiences. Those guidelines include:

  • Posting frequently. Says Facebook, “By posting high-quality content that doesn’t violate our guidelines and posting it frequently, you will increase the chance that our algorithms match your content to an audience that finds it meaningful.”
  • Try a variety of posts to grab attention. Facebook’s recommendation? “Publishers succeed in many different ways and with vastly different posting strategies. There’s no single right time to post, number of posts or type of post that will work across all publishers. It’s about creating great content you think your audience will find interesting.”

Facebook also announced its Q3 earnings and usage report. Highlights include:

  • There are now more than 2.07 billion monthly active users.
  • 37 of those users are daily active users.
  • Facebook’s revenue growth is 47% year-over-year.

For more information, read the guidelines and check out Facebook’s Q3 earnings.