Is Facebook Advertising (and Other Social Site Ads) Worth It?

Social Media Advertising Milwaukee

Is Facebook Advertising (and Other Social Site Ads) Worth It?

In the last ten years, the strategies that make marketing effective have completely changed. There are more options than ever before, and business leaders face tough choices about where to invest their marketing dollars. At Legit Click Media, we often talk with people about these choices. They ask us: Should I make the website bigger? Invest in PPC? And what about paying for advertising on Facebook—is it really worth it?

We assure our clients that, yes, Facebook—and other social media advertising—is absolutely worth it. Here’s why.

Most of Your Customers Are on Social Media

Statistics show that social media use has climbed steadily in the last decade, especially for Facebook. According to the Pew Research Center, 68 percent of all adults in the United States now use Facebook. The increase in Facebook use in recent years comes mostly from older adults creating profiles and engaging online.

Use of other social media platforms continues to hold steady:

  • 28% of all U.S. adults use Instagram.
  • 21% of all U.S. adults use Twitter.
  • 24% of all U.S. adults use LinkedIn.
  • 26% percent of all U.S. adults use Pinterest.

Generally, social media use is widespread across many different demographics. From college students to retirees, and low-wage workers to corporate executives, you will find your customers on social media.

Social Media Allows You to Target the People Who Need Your Business Most

Perhaps most importantly, social media allows you to target potential customers with a high degree of accuracy. You can place your post in the Facebook feeds of people who meet certain criteria, like those living near your business or those who are already interested in the type of protects you sell. By properly targeting your social media campaigns, you are able to build interest in your business among people who are already inclined to engage with it.

Facebook Has Changed – Your Posts Aren’t as Visible Without Marketing Dollars behind Them

Before Facebook advertising became as popular as it is now, it was possible for businesses to create Facebook pages, post to those pages, and have their posts display in the feeds of anyone who liked the business. But, those days are gone. Facebook has updated its algorithm, and your followers no longer see all of your posts in their feeds. To maximize the number of people who see you on Facebook, you need to pay. This can be frustrating for business owners, but most people have to admit that it makes sense for Facebook’s business model.

Want to Advertise on Facebook, Twitter or Other Social Media Platform? Call Us!

Fortunately, marketing dollars can be used extremely effectively on social media, and even small campaigns can have a huge impact. To learn more, please talk with us about how your business can use social media.