End-of-Summer Blogging Ideas

A family enjoying a BBQ in their backyard.

As many Wisconsinites know, summer comes and goes in a flash. While we were all enjoying lake days, barbequing, and reapplying our bug spray, the calendar continued to move forward. While the warm weather is still here, you can leverage the opportunity to create end-of-summer blogging content to connect with your target audience.

Read on for some creative ideas you can use for end-of-summer blog posts.

Why Should You Blog About the End of Summer?

Blogging about the end of summer can make your brand seem more relatable. Summer coming to an end is on many people’s minds, so blogging about it can foster a sense of connection and even camaraderie (especially for those who dread the Wisconsin winter ahead). Plus, it is a fun way to drum up some conversations of what people plan to do with their remaining days of summer vacation while tying it into what you have to offer for the remainder of this season.

End-of-Summer Blogging Ideas

Incorporate some of these end-of-summer blogging ideas into your content calendar this month:

Recap How Your Business’ Summer Went

The end of summer is a great time for reflection and gratitude. In your blog post, thank your clients and customers for their support this season. Use this blog post to highlight any special events or product launches you had this summer. Try to focus on “wins” and how you achieved them.

Look Forward to the Fall and Winter Season

While we like to joke about the dreaded arrival of cold weather, it really is an opportunity to look forward to what’s to come. Fall and winter come with all sorts of exciting events and holidays. Consider writing about the following:

  • Back to School
  • Halloween
  • Thanksgiving
  • Winter Holidays 
  • New Years

Highlight Labor Day Weekend Sales

Labor day weekend is a popular time for companies to offer sales. Oftentimes, its parents’ last chance to do some shopping before the full swing of the school year. Along with blogging about your sales, post about them on social media and highlight them on the homepage of your website.

Share Summer Traditions

Show some personality by reflecting on summer traditions around your office. Maybe your team has an annual summer picnic or an intramural softball team. Sharing memories and photos from these fun events humanizes your brand and shows you care about your people.

Showcase Summer-Related Products or Services

Perhaps you have products and services that are only available during the warmer seasons. This is your last push to get people interested in them before they go away for the season. For instance, if you are a landscaping company, you might write about last-minute landscaping services to prepare your yard for winter. Or, if you are a coffee shop, you might highlight some fun limited-time-only flavors on your menu. 

Need some help getting these end-of-summer blogging ideas off the ground? Learn more about our content writing services here to get started.