6 Tips to Improve Your LinkedIn Company Page

A woman browsing LinkedIn on her phone

Your LinkedIn Company Page is a public profile for your company or organization. It’s an essential part of your online presence, as it enables users to easily learn about your products and services. When creating your LinkedIn Company Page, it’s important to take your time in making it an accurate, well-polished representation of your brand and what you have to offer.

Let’s dive deeper into the importance of optimizing your LinkedIn Company Page and several tips to get your started.

Why Is Having an Optimized LinkedIn Company Page Important?

Optimizing your LinkedIn Company Page is important because it might be the first impression people have of your company or organization. By fully filling out all of its sections and being thoughtful in what you share, you can reap some major benefits, such as:

  • Building Brand Awareness: Having a well-done LinkedIn Company Page can help your company stand out and gain more attention from your target audience. By carrying your branding over to this platform, you are creating a more cohesive brand experience for users.
  • Generating Leads: You can use your LinkedIn Company Page to connect with potential leads and bring them to your website or landing page.
  • Fostering Business Connections: Inviting people to your Page, tagging relevant contributors in posts, and commenting on your followers’ posts are all ways you can grow relationships with your audience. 
  • Attracting Top Talent: Many job seekers turn to LinkedIn in their search. By having an optimized LinkedIn Company Page, you are showing that you are a legitimate, reputable company to potential employees. 

Tips to Improve Your LinkedIn Company Page

Let’s cover some tips to help you enhance your LinkedIn Company Page and gain a larger following of potential customers, clients, and employees.

1. Choose a High-Quality Profile Picture and Banner Image

Your profile picture and banner image are often the first things people see when looking at your Page. For your profile picture, choose an image that is easy to recognize at first glance that is attached to your brand. Many companies use their logo in the profile picture, which is great, but be sure it is clear and legible. 

As for your banner image, you can get a bit more creative. You might choose to list some of your offerings on this image, even including images of your products and services. You can highlight any awards or achievements in this image too. Some companies even put their tagline over a simple background, which can look nice too!

2. Cater Your About Section to Your Target Audience

LinkedIn gives you a generous 2,600 characters for your About section. Use this section to engage with your target audience. Hook them in by discussing what problems of theirs you can solve and why it’s beneficial to work with your company. 

You can also use this section to highlight products and services, perks of working for your company, and any links you’d like to highlight, such as your website. Don’t feel like you have to use all 2,600 characters if your message is succinct — it’s better to get straight to the point than to add a bunch of fluff to your About section.

3. Create a Posting Schedule

Posting to LinkedIn several times per week is ideal for keeping your audience engaged. In order to keep a consistent schedule, plan out your posts for the month and use LinkedIn’s scheduling tool to get them scheduled. This way, you can produce them all in bulk and let the scheduler post them consistently without having to manually make a post everyday.

Think about what kind of posts are going to be relevant to your target audience. For instance, if you are a life coach, you might post a weekly life lessons video of you sharing a tid bit of expert advice. Likewise, if you’re a recruiting company, you could highlight upcoming jobs you hope to fill along with recent successful placements.

4. List Your Specialties

There is a section on your Page where you can list your specialities. Be sure to fill in this section with keywords that are relevant to your industry that your target audience might search for. For instance, on Legit Click Media’s LinkedIn Page, you can see we have over a dozen unique specialties listed.

As your company evolves, be sure to update your specialties periodically. You can even use this section to highlight exciting new initiatives you want to share.

5. Encourage Your Team to Link to Your Company

Once you create a LinkedIn Company Page, your employees can link to your Page on their profiles. Encourage new hires to update their employment history upon hire and to add in your Page. This way, when job seekers look on your Page, they can see who is working for you and how many team members you have — making your brand look desirable to work for.

6. Invite People to Follow Your Page

There is an option called “Invite to follow” on your admin dashboard. LinkedIn gives you 250 credits at a time that you can use to invite people to your Page. Use these credits to invite people in your network to follow and learn more about your company. By increasing your following, these users see all of your posts on their feed regularly. 

Want more tips on how to make your brand’s presence stand out? Check out our other blog posts here!