5 Ways to Make a Bigger Impact With Your Website About Page

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When a user visits your website, it’s typically to learn more about your business and what you offer. One of the first pages they are likely to navigate to is your About Page, which makes sense as it tells them what they need to know about you…or at least it should. 

Your About Page should push beyond the who/what of your business (ex. when you were established, what you sell, who you serve). It is your chance to show users the why of your business — as in why you do what you do. What inspired you to start this business? What challenges do you hope to help people overcome? And most importantly, what values do you follow when trying to accomplish your vision? 

In this post, we discuss the impact your business About Page can have on customers or potential leads and share tips to keep in mind when crafting your website’s About Page. 

What Is a Website About Page?

A website About Page is where users can learn all about you and/or your company. It gives them an inside look into who you are, what you do, why you do what you do, and what your values are. Your About Page should include the following sections:

  • Mission Statement: A brief overview of your business’ goals and objectives.
  • History: Information about how and why your business was created.
  • Team Information: Details about the individuals behind the company, including bios or roles.
  • Values: The principles that guide your business operations. 
  • Contact Information: Ways for visitors to get in touch or engage further.

Why Is Having an Impactful Website About Page Important?

Having an impactful website About Page is important because it’s an opportunity to establish credibility, foster connection with your target audience, and give users context about your products/services. It’s one of the first pages your audience will navigate to after your Homepage, which is why it’s important to put thought and effort into it. 

How to Make a Bigger Impact With Your Website About Page

Follow these steps to improve your website’s About Page:

1. Share Your Story

Stories resonate with people, in fact, effective storytelling can increase your conversion rates by 30%. When telling your story, focus on the details that matter versus every single step of your journey. Share what inspired you to open your business, any obstacles or challenges you had to overcome, and what you hope for the future of your business. You can even share some funny “fails” or mishaps if it fits the tone of your brand. 

2. Make It About Them

Go beyond talking about your business in your About Page. Try to incorporate how you can solve problems for your customers and how you intend to make their lives better. By taking a customer-centric approach to your About Page, you are showing your audience that your business will prioritize their needs. 

3. Be Relatable 

Share details that will resonate with your target audience. Dropping in some of your interests or pain points that inspired your company can make you seem more relatable. Before even writing your About Page, consider collecting some insights from your target audience, learning what they value, desire, and hope to overcome. Then, you can piece together points you empathize with to share your authentic story

4. Explain Your Mission

Your mission defines your business’ “why” — your overarching purpose for everything you do. When explaining your mission, keep it short and sweet, making it easy for anyone to understand. Use this as an opportunity to share your business values and how you intend to operate by them.

5. Include a Call-to-Action

Close your About Page with a Call-to-Action (CTA). Typically, you would want to entice people to connect with you or learn more. Here are several examples you can use as inspiration:

  • Interested in learning more about how we can help your business excel? Get connected here:
  • Now that you’ve learned about us, we want to hear your story! Get connected below.
  • Sounds like we can help you? Get started with a demo. 

Examples of Effective About Pages

Need an example to get you started? Check out some of our past clients’ About Pages: 

Writing an effective website About Page takes time and effort. If you’re looking for professional writers who can help, we’re here for you! Learn more about our content writing services here or call 920-214-4025.