2017 US Mobile App Report Highlights Changes in App Behavior

This week, comScore released its annual mobile app usage report. The report is full of useful insight for marketers, especially those seeking to increase reach to mobile users. Significant findings include:

  • Mobile apps account for 50% of all digital media time, on average, followed by desktop at 34% and tablet and mobile web at 16%
  • Age is a large indicator of app usage: users ages 18-24 use mobile apps 66% of the time, whereas users ages 65+ only use mobile apps 27% of the time
  • Mobile web has 2X the reach of mobile apps
  • Mobile app download frequency has dropped, with 51% of users with zero new downloads per month
  • An individual user spends 90% of their time with their top 5 apps

When it comes to the top 10 mobile apps in use today, comScore notes that Facebook owns three of them (Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Instagram) and Google owns five (YouTube, Google Search, Google Maps, Google Play and Gmail). As with mobile app usage, the top apps change based on age range. For instance, Snapchat and Pandora appear in the top 8 for 18-24 and 25-34-year-olds. Both of those apps drop off for 35+, replaced by Gmail and Google Play.

To learn more, download the full report on comScore’s website.

h/t Marketing Land