The Ultimate SEO Guide for Product Detail Pages

Man shopping online, looking at a product page for dress shoes

Your ecommerce website’s homepage looks great and is getting solid traffic. But you’re struggling to turn more visitors into customers. What can you do to fix it?

One of the best ways to convert visitors into paying customers is to focus on the pages that describe each product you sell. Good design and content on product detail pages often push a visitor into becoming a buyer. However, these pages can do much more. With the right SEO, pages can strengthen your online presence. Do not overlook their importance!

8 Ways to Make Your Product Pages Work Better

Here are eight tips and tricks that can turn your product description pages into an ecommerce powerhouse.

  1. Pay attention to the basics. Make your title tag and meta description enticing and accurate. Search engine results pages (SERPs) are often the gateway to your website. It is usually the first time a potential buyer sees the name of your company and learns a little about what you do. And include more than the basics on your product pages. Incorporate long-tail keywords, headers and bulleted lists to draw the reader’s eye, internal links for easier movement through your site, and alt tags for images so those with visual impairments can “see” everything.
  2. Know your audience. If your market is more than local, it is a good idea to identify variations in how potential customers read web pages. What else do they want to look at? What related items could you upsell? Where could you lead them that would be more effective in the sales process? Many tools are available to help you conduct this type of analysis. Use your findings to determine whether you should have different versions of your product detail pages.
  3. Remember that your products don’t exist in a vacuum. Make sure that the tone, voice and style of each product detail page is similar across your website. Equally important, think about the architecture of your site. The URLs for your product detail pages should be SEO-friendly and reflect the logic of your site, going from a large category of products to a subcategory of products to an individual product detail page.
  4. Write new product details for each page. Each page represents a unique opportunity to sell a product. This means no shortcuts, like copying and pasting the same information across your site. While this is tempting, it can hurt your rankings in search engines and ruin your site’s credibility with potential customers.
  5. Use rich snippets. “Rich snippets” describe the structured data you can add to your product detail pages. You need to add a piece of code to your site so that more information displays in SERPs. Yes, this additional information can help your rankings. More importantly, however, rich snippets increase the likelihood that potential buyers will click through to your product detail pages. org provides a shared vocabulary you can use to mark up your product detail pages so that they display the rich snippets in the search engine results pages, giving customers additional information that will encourage them to click through.
  6. Get customer feedback. Few things sell products and services as well as reviews from real customers. Customers click through more frequently to ecommerce sites that have reviews displayed in the search engine results. You just need to use (see above) to display review links.
  7. Test your product detail pages. To ensure that your pages convert as well as possible, it is important to test them every time you make a change. You can also test possible changes before implementation. Sometimes, even a seemingly insignificant change can make a big difference to the success of a page.
  8. Don’t forget mobile. Product detail pages must work on mobile devices. Load speed on mobile devices is particularly important. Potential customers will leave a site if it doesn’t load within a few seconds.

Get Help From an Experienced Internet Marketing Consultant

Some of these strategies require you to investigate and learn new development and testing tools. If you would prefer to focus on running your ecommerce business, help is available to make your product detail pages the best they can be. Our internet marketing consultants have the knowledge and tools to take your pages to the next level.